Friday, August 5, 2011

50cc Dirt Bike Double Backflip?

I was down at the track two days ago and I saw some ridiculous tricks being performed. Out of all the tricks I'd have to say that the best trick I saw was easily a double backflip. This guy was going as fast as he could on this dirt bike, hit the jump at max speed, and just whipped himself around and did 2 consecutive backflips. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen on a 50cc dirt bike.

I wish I had gotten this on tape cause It would blow up on Youtube in a heart beat! The next time I ride one of these things I may try a backflip. If I have the right jump built. Only one backflip though! I mean doing two consecutive backflips is simply outrageous. 

50cc Dirt bikes are just so small, and fun to ride. I wish I was younger again so I could rip around on my Z50 Honda Dirt bike again. But I'm upwards of 200 pounds now, and riding it too much could kill it.